Friday 23 October 2015


       Entrepreneurship really play role in helping to generate nation's economy and income in a family. This is because, entrepreneur that becoming driver of the country's economy. Country will not be advanced if no entrepreneur that succeed in one country. Every entrepreneur need to have successful entrepreneurial characteristics like networked, open risk taker, observant, visionary, failure is an option, culture open, oriented outcome, team oriented and proactive. This feature is very important should have in self every entrepreneur.

       There is many entrepreneur that are successful in neither countries overseas that can be made as example to push individual become successful entrepreneur. Among them is Azizah Omar , one of the successful fashion entrepreneurs, Steve Jobs that is computer industry leader that very innovative person and so on. an individual that would like to create success like this entrepreneur need have entrepreneurial features like discussed. Apart from that, knowledge also important for a entrepreneur to ensure every matter carried out is the best and can help work something out problem faced with solutions that is wise.

          Other than that, to become entrepreneur that managed to also individual need to have high confidence towards self ability and always broadminded. This is because, it is very helpful in developing ideas in producing a product and make it something differs from other. Therefore, every individual need have awareness that very important entrepreneur field in developing economy of a country and every individual entitled to get opportunity to become successful entrepreneur.

Tuesday 20 October 2015



         The concept of entrepreneurship has a wide range of meaning. “Entrepreneurship” has become a buzzword in the public debate in recent years. However, the concept of entrepreneurship is often used without a precise definition, and it may not always be completely clear what the different measure is actually measuring.


       What is entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship is defined as the process of starting a business, typically a startup company offering an innovative product, process or service. The entrepreneur sees an opportunity and often exhibits biases in taking the decision to exploit the opportunity. The exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities includes design actions to develop a business plan, acquire the human, financial and other required resources, and to be responsible for its success or failure. Entrepreneurship may operate within an entrepreneurship ecosystem which includes government programs and services that support entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship resources (for example, business incubators and seed accelerators), entrepreneurship education and training and financing such as loans, venture capital financing, and grants


         In the 20th century, entrepreneurship was studied by Joseph Schumpeter in the 1930s and other Austrian economists such as Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek. The term "entrepreneurship" was coined around the 1920s, while the loan from French of the word entrepreneur dates to the 1850s.
        According to Schumpeter, an entrepreneur is willing and able to convert a new idea or invention into a successful innovation.  Entrepreneurship employs what Schumpeter called "the gale of creative destruction" to replace in whole or in part inferior offerings across markets and industries, simultaneously creating new products and new business models. Thus, creative destruction is largely responsible for long-term economic growth. The idea that entrepreneurship leads to economic growth is an interpretation of the residual in endogenous growth theory and as such continues to be debated in academic economics.
         For Schumpeter, entrepreneurship resulted in new industries and in new combinations of currently existing inputs. Schumpeter's initial example of this was the combination of a steam engine and then current wagon making technologies to produce the horseless carriage. In this case the innovation, the car, was transformational, but did not require the development of dramatic new technology. It did not immediately replace the horse-drawn carriage, but in time, incremental improvements reduced the cost and improved the technology, leading to the modern auto industry.


       Who is entrepreneur? Entrepreneur is an individual who, rather than working as an employee, runs a small business and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture, idea, or good or service offered for sale. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as a business leader and innovator of new ideas and business processes. On the other extreme of definition, anyone who wants to work for him or herself is considered to be an entrepreneur.
         Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. These are the people who have the skills and initiative necessary to take good new ideas to market and make the right decisions to make the idea profitable. The reward for the risks taken is the potential economic profits the entrepreneur could earn.



         Steve Jobs was born on 24 February 1955, in San Francisco, California, United States. His mother was a graduate student named Joanne Simpson and his biological father was a politician and a professor of mathematics. Her father has Syria bloody named John Abdul Fattah Jandali. At birth, Steve has the name of Abdul Lateef Jandali until finally changed when she looked after by Paul and Clara Jobs (Annur Noordin, 2015).
           Pair Jobs is then give the name Steven Paul Jobs. In fact Steve's mother, Joanne, was not very agreeable to her baby looked after by Paul and Clara Jobs. Joanne wants her baby looked after by families who can afford to send Steve to succeed. But ultimately agree Joanne baby cared for by spouse Jobs, with the help of Joanne companies to help finance Steve learning to dramatically higher levels (W. Isaacson, 2013).
           During Steve in his teens, moved to take her spouse Jobs Santa Clara County, which became known as Silicon Valley. In 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne to get sponsorship from product and technology marketing manager for Intel AC named Markkula Jr. they managed to establish Apple (W. Isaacson, 2013). In 1978, Apple recruited Mike Scott from National Semiconductor to the post of CEO. In 1983, Steve Jobs lured John Sculley to leave Pepsi-Cola Company and held the position as CEO of Apple. While Jobs was a director of Apple's persuasive and charismatic, a number of employees at the time described it as a manager always change your mind and temperamental (Annur Noordin, 2015).
       Steve served as Apple CEO from 1997 to 2011. He became CEO and largest shareholder of 50.1% to be taken over by The Walt Disney Company in 2006. Since then, Steve eventually became the largest individual shareholder in Disney by 7% and members Disney's Board of Directors (G. Beahm, 2015). After stepping down as CEO of Pixar Animation Studios on August 24, 2011, Steve returned to Apple and was elected chairman of the board of directors. On October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs died in California at the age of 56 years passed after seven years with pancreatic cancer (Annur Noordin, 2015).


            Steve Jobs was a visionary entrepreneur in his career. He always tried to do my best and constant improvements in everything he did, including the release of the product. Steve Jobs also always thinking ahead to the reforms. While Steve Jobs was fired by the company that developed by itself, namely Apple, it's not the end of his career. Steve Jobs back up and founded the NeXT Company. At NeXT, a new idea was poured to produce more sophisticated products. However, even if the product is good but the price is too expensive, causing the product did not sell. However, Steve Jobs did not give up with what face it. Steve Jobs has created an operating system that is required by the Apple Company and caused it to buy NeXT for 429 million dollars and took Steve Jobs back as CEO of the company.  After Steve Jobs returned to Apple that new ideas have been poured and a new product has been released such as iPod, iMac, iPhone, iPad, and iCloud.
             Apart from the company Next and Apple, Steve has also saved the company almost bankrupt Pixar, an animation film production company based computer, the first entitled 'Toy Story'. He managed to raise it back up the company successful in the market (Aryani Evi, 2013) .Thus, of what happened to Steve Job, concluded that he was indeed a visionary. While laid off from the company developed its own, he still did not give up to continue his career and produce a variety of high quality products. Good ideas always poured. Steve Jobs has always created products that fit its vision of changing the world. Look at the success brought by Steve Job Now even produced Apple products are expensive but always keep subscribers eagerly await his newest creation. These conditions make the Apple always succeed and gain a lot. This situation also occurs because Apple has a staff of visionary like Steve Jobs who is always looking to develop its products and also want removed.


            Steve Jobs is someone who is proactive in carrying out its work. He always wants something new and better. He was very proactive in doing his job. Among the examples of Steve Jobs proactive nature that can be seen is how he promotes his own goods to the customer Apple. Steve Jobs has always wanted the best. In promoting Apple, Steve Jobs released when the product will be promoted in various ways. He would always look for something different and something that can attract people. Apple promotes how he makes people always eagerly wait to see what will be presented by him.
            Apart from being a person who developed Apple and holding a CEO. Steve Jobs also known as the keynote speaker that is very reliable. Many people love and praise the manner in which Steve Jobs introduced the Apple products. When people see him promote Apple products. People not only impressed by the products produced and even how Steve Jobs affect the potential buyers of Apple products.
            Each time, the presentation of the product, people will remember two things. The first product launched by Apple and the second is how Steve Jobs launched the product. Steve Job always did a presentation into an art that is not easily forgotten by those who see it and the situation is also causing a lot of people rush to buy Apple products (Studentpreneur, 2014).
           The marketing strategy used by Apple is ignore the critics, convert ordinary to attract, reasonable prices, to communicate in the customer perceived prolonged experience, Apple created a group or culture of its own and make the brand famous Apple (, 2015).The manner in which Steve Jobs uses to promote Apple has shown how proactive in carrying out his work to create a difference and lead to great returns.


          Failed to advance everyone would have failed. This could make you respond to failure scenarios that make everything different. In 1984, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple. In 2005, Stanford commencement, he said this about it: "I do not see it, but apparently fired from Apple was the best thing that ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner, everything was over. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. "
          Failure is a learning process for entrepreneurs that is faced by Steve Jobs in the days that passed before achieving success. In 1985, Steve Jobs, founder of Apple laid off by the company after engaging in battle with John Sculley. With so forced, Jobs sold the shares it held in the company Apple. Jobs even days spent cycling around Europe (Mega Ayu Lestari, 2015). 
          After he recovered from the sadness that is extraordinary, Steve Jobs returned to have a new spirit in her. He started the business back in the computer by setting up a company called NeXT and Pixar Animation Company.
        When doing business is Steve Jobs still have a problem. NeXT was actually a very progressive company in the field of computer technology. However, commercially NeXT did not leave a positive impression. In contrast to the fate of NeXT, which does not give good results commercially. Pixar is part of the successful outcome of thinking genius Steve Jobs. In the world of animated film, Pixar has brought a new trend that is in demand. It started when Pixar animated film successfully launched some like Toy Story, The incredible, and Finding Nemo.
         After several years of Steve Jobs was fired from Apple, the computer company situation worse. Along with the growing strength of Microsoft and IBM, Apple made loses in the competition. This makes Steve Jobs return is believed to fill the leadership of Apple. Steve Jobs and NeXT technologies dovetail with Apple. And finally Apple back up from a long hibernation. Apple launches new highly advanced technologies such as MacOS X, Imac, and the most famous is the iPod (Wahyu Hidayat, 2013).
          The success story of Steve Jobs taught to everyone that all success is not easy. There is always a failure and rejection that adorn the course of life. However, Steve Jobs is indeed a great man. Despite his failure did not give up and give in to the situation.


         If seen from Apple Inc's vision is "An Apple at every desk." Now, Apple branded products intensifies dealt with by the community both in terms of quality and design of its products. Apple brand is most frequently mentioned as products and luxury items or expensive. Apple initially only produce computer hardware and software and mp3 players since its inception until 2007. After 2007 until now Apple to start producing smartphones (W. Isaacson, 2013). Each product release Apple smartphone a hit since the iPhone was introduced in 2008. Steve Jobs often produces products that keep pace with the times and in keeping with the spirit of youth. Despite the intense competition between several companies other telecommunications equipment provider but Apple products are often the first place (G. Beahm, 2015).
          Steve Job risked producing various models of its own telecommunication devices such as Iphone, Ipad and Ipod are all the rage youth. Apple Inc will ensure that they not only produce different products with competitors' products, but ensuring the product is better and has a high quality (G. Beahm, 2015). Potential risks to be considered as a challenge in marketing their products. The speed of today's technology that is too fast to match the latest models of Apple is getting rave reviews. Steve Job is able to compete with other companies such as Samsung in marketing their products. Although Steve Jobs had to take risks in creating and finding markets for its products. Apple changes more focused on the design, development and bring products to market better (W. Isaacson, 2013).


          Steve Jobs has managed to change the organizational culture through changing patterns of leadership in it. Through the experience gained during travels in various countries, Steve Jobs adapting his experience to shape its own management system, thus forming a work culture for employees (G. Beahm, 2015). Experience is adapted to manage the re-organization. This led to the organization's management under changed according to design chief who led a more bilateral. The effect of the change can be seen in terms of products were released product change from time to time (Z. Amanda, 2012).
        The changes made by the latest technological developments in line with the needs and requirements of today's youth. For example the production of smart phones iPhone that has multiple output versions with the times and the needs of users (G. Beahm, 2015). Applications that goes into every product iPhone has changed in each release. Steve Job's open cultural attitude in any decision to manufacture its products. Steve Jobs takes into account environmental elements appropriate to the product. In addition, Steve Job's easier to work with anyone in management no matter from which country and what descent. For her work ethic symbolizes the personality of a person (Z. Amanda, 2012).



      Network equipment business is instrumental to the success of entrepreneurs. If the entrepreneur has a good network for internal and external users, it will be easier for entrepreneurs to gain an edge against business opportunities and solve problems on their business.A good network connectivity enabling them to gain the support and cooperation of the network circle. Thus, every entrepreneur needs to build networking skills, as it will be the catalyst to achieving your goals and business objectives.
        Example figure is Azizah Omar, one of the successful fashion entrepreneurs. Omar Ali Holdings Sdn. Bhd. is the heritage of the family and Azizah entrusted to carry this responsibility upon her return from the United States in 1991. She has 11 siblings and seven of them were involved in Omar Ali Holdings Sdn. Bhd. while four others, always giving undivided support.
           She is the Managing Director, Omar Ali Holdings Sdn. Bhd. The company is headquartered in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur was founded by her father, the late Omar Ali, in 1935. The business started by selling traditional clothing in a bazaar which is now the site Wisma Yakin, in Jalan Masjid India. In addition baju Melayu, her father was also a skilled tailoring a suit of clothing popular in the days of the British advance.
         The secret of success Omar Ali Holdings Sdn. Bhd is has a good network can allow the business to run smoothly. She said that the business is able to survive as a very close family relationship and the determination to grow the business based on the experience and knowledge gained in over 50 years. In addition, she and her siblings also have the support and trust from suppliers including from internally and abroad who have helped the success of this company. Most distributors have come from Korea, Japan, Indonesia, China and Pakistan, which has agents in Malaysia and Singapore. They not only supply goods sewing needle and thread sewing machine but to that of the textiles in a variety of colors and textures. In addition, other factors also come from government and private agencies such as banks, hotels and factories. All these factors make the brand Omar Ali survives until now.


           One of the important features is open risk taker. Many studies have found a tendency to take risks is part of the personality traits of successful entrepreneurs. This parallel legal level of return on investment that is closely related to the level of risk. However, the tendency to take risks in business should be wisely and well organized. The courage to take risks need to be balanced with the knowledge and understanding of how to assess and manage the risks involved. In the business world, every kind of business will cover different risks. Risk is not the causes of the failure even entrepreneurs need to understand the risks involved to find a solution to those risks. To be a successful entrepreneur, the risk is not entirely fair to excuse or stone to obstacle to success. This is because, if understood in depth our lives are also at risk.
          For example, Datuk Yusuf Taiyoob is the one who has an open risk taker in his business. Distress and pain experienced by him to succeed in business started when he was 21 years old when he began to pursue the sale of perfumes in Bayan Lepas Airport. Initially, the business was very encouraging until one day he fell ill due to the pressure faced as sales plummeted.
        After his failure in the perfume business, he tried various other businesses, including product distribution saffron flower, cashew nuts, dried foods and spices. He was a risk openly. Finally, he decided to change the form of its business by importing food, including small-scale palm. He was an open risk taker on the progress of its business to develop its products so abroad. Although aware of the existence of competition in the business start date in 1990, he believed that existing regular customers, in addition to competitive prices, with a guarantee of product quality. Over time, his efforts paid off when his business is thriving and its products are gaining in popularity, including in Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand.
        Now his company, Yusuf Taiyoob Sdn Bhd became the largest supplier of various types of palm and crude product dry and wet food from abroad for the Malaysian market with approximately 3,000 dealer networks across the country.


        Observant is someone who is good at noticing things, or someone who follows the rules and requirements of a particular religion.
           As examples of entrepreneurs who have an attitude of observant in doing business is Ali Hassan Mohd. Hassan. He is owner of the aL-ikhsaN thriving in the last 14 years. aL-ikhsaN is very popular among young people today who enjoyed popular branded sports products such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Umbro, Lotto and Diadora cheap rates. He conducts business based on religion. He convinced himself that all the success that comes from God. He is convinced that God is preparing our life and what happened to that big it was like a miracle in its own future success. His success depends on the right intentions, the blessing of the family, doing business with integrity, investing in advertising, interest in the business, strategic location, business professionals in decision-making, and the products must be with the times.


        According to the dictionary of the fourth edition of the hall and language, vision or perception means not understanding something, views, conceptions, extra foresight (especially pertinent for future development) in order to achieve important goals of an organization or state, Vision 2020 especially, we must be proactive if want to succeed with excellence.
          As a successful entrepreneur, Tan Sri Loh Boon Siew seen as a highly visionary for the company he set up to bring in Honda motorcycles in Malaysia. This can be seen from the construction of the first motorcycle factory in Malaysia, namely Assembly Plant Boon Siew Boon Siew Sdn Bhd owned in Mak Mandin Industrial Estate, Pulau Pinang. With the construction of this plant in 1969, Honda motorcycle is no longer installed in Japan but it was installed in Malaysia so as to save the cost of installation and sales. With the construction of this factory, Boon Siew Sdn Bhd has also introduced several new models of Honda motorcycles began in 1971, which Honda model S90Z. On this day, there are various types of Honda motorcycles in the market. With high-minded attitude is what drives Tan Sri Loh Boon Siew to continue to succeed in the field of motoring. Not all entrepreneurs have the ability to look ahead like Tan Sri. A positive attitude is the main weapon in his efforts to continue to move forward in the motor industry in Malaysia.


            Failure is lack of success, defeat, collapse and foundering while the meaning of option is choice, alternative, possibility or selection. So, failure is an option means the failure is alternative to be more success. It teach us to learn more and work hard to be a success and never give up and it gives us challenge to be more good person.
            This characteristic may be seen towards the famous entrepreneur, Colonal Hardland Sander who is never giving up in his life to be a successful entrepreneur. Colonel Harland Sanders is best known for founding the fast-food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). He was born on September 9, 1890 in Henryville, Indiana. Colonel Harland Sanders was a serial failure. He was getting fired from several jobs and starting companies, including a gas lamp manufacturing firm, that eventually went out of business. At one point his wife left him because he was always trying to get rich quick. After that, in his 40s, he started cafe on a major highway and found a good level of success. Ten years later a new highway was built by passing his restaurant and the business died. Most of people would think that life was over but Sander picks up and takes his chicken on the road.
        After closing the restaurant in 1952, Sanders devoted himself to franchising his chicken business. He traveled across the country, cooking batches of chicken from restaurant to restaurant, striking deals that paid him a nickel for every chicken the restaurant sold. His first franchise sale went to Pete Harman of Salt Lake City. In 1964, with more than 600 franchised outlets, he sold his interest in the company for $2 million to a group of investors. Kentucky Fried Chicken went public in 1966 and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1969. More than 3,500 franchised and company-owned restaurants were in worldwide operation when Heublein Inc. acquired KFC Corporation in 1971for $285 million. Sander had a lot of hard knocks but he never seemed to let it get him down. He tries to learn a lesson out of every experience he had and try to look around the corner before his success.


           Open culture is a concept according to which knowledge should be freely and growth must come from the developing world, change or enrich already existing works on the basis of partnership and cooperation, without being bound to the rules relating to the protection of intellectual property laws. Every entrepreneur should have an open culture that business can be run without any problems. Therefore, it can be accepted by all nations and religions.
         Entrepreneurs like Datuk Mokhzani working with Chong Hin Loon in advancing the company Kencana Petroleum. The success achieved by Datuk Mokhzani the company Kencana Petroleum depend also on its relationship with its employees, with partners as teamwork. While different cultural backgrounds but they have a common interest which is to promote the company Kencana Petroleum. This shows the open culture that encourages business to develop it.


            An outcome oriented is the outcome which important whether win or lose or achieve a certain target. This is maybe different with something like a process orientation where the focus is on the way you play or perform. Someone with a process orientation will be thinking more about details of their style and performance. When it perform, they could be happy with the outcome even if they lose but actually performed very well.
     This outcome oriented can be seen towards Hamdi Ulukaya, the entrepreneur of Greek Yogurt. Hamdi was born from a family of semi-nomadic. He lives in the city Ilic, Turkey around October 1972. He later moved to New York, USA in 1994 for further studies in English. Since then, Hamdi was inspired to start the yogurt industry in the country. Hamdi worked part-time while studying at one of the farms that produce yogurt. The entrepreneur continues his interest when taking business courses at the University of Albany, New York to learn the ins and outs of the business.
           He took seven years to conquer the American market (USA). During the period, the product Hamdi meet retail stores in the US and compete with some of the leading brands such as Danone and Yoplait. When he first set foot in the US, he only had savings of US $ 3,000 (RM10, 633). However, now he is becoming a successful entrepreneur in the food industry of Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is produced from cow milk's creamy, rich in protein and low in fat. In addition, the yogurt sales increased as buyers loved especially in Western countries.
          In 2004, Hamdi came across with an ad featuring expert make dairy from fresh ingredients cost US $ 700,000 (RM2.4 million). In August 2005, Hamdi managed to become the owner of the company arising from the loan program for small businesses as much as US $ 1 million (RM3.5 million). He tested the yogurt recipe for 18 months before being marketed. Hamdi yogurt packaging is also larger than other brands. The packaging is often attractive to captivate people's views and the most important is the content of the yogurt flavour. In October 2007, the company which Chobani, which means shepherd in Turkey was established and different to other yogurt, yogurt Chobani contains no fat in addition to having protein twice and no artificial coloring and flavoring.
          Business Hamdi began to develop when one of the ShopRite grocery store started selling Chobani in 2009. Grocery stores such as Trader Joe's, Costco and Whole Foods began selling Chobani and progressively increasing sales. However, in 2013, Whole Foods stopped selling Chobani because they want to sell other yogurt products. Chobani company had suffered a loss when there is fungus in the yogurt in about September and October 2013. However, it does not affect the company's operations. Meanwhile, Greek yogurt market grew by 40 percent in the yogurt industry in the US market. Chobani has 2,000 employees. Unlike most affluent, Hamdi refused to show their wealth publicly even rarely are the elite. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the average dietary yogurt in the country stood at 6:36 kilogram (kg) per person per year, compared to 27kg in Germany and France. On top of that, Hamdi also recommends that people eat yogurt more often than in the morning. Yogurt is also deliciously combined with oat cereal.
        Hamdi has invested US $ 450 million (RM1.5 billion) in manufacturing fresh products in the world in Twin Falls, Idaho, United States. Although the company has had Chobani markets in Asia and Europe, it is still a very favorable response in the US in addition to Chobani will open up more of its own cafe. He more focused on the US market because the country lake of attention to industrial yogurt.


      Proactive is in developing positive attitudes and control measures undertaken much earlier than expected will lead to something. Everyone needs to be proactive to take the opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur community.
        Dato Aliff Shukri Kamarzaman has a strong determination to succeed and he motivates himself with words like he wants to be successful and refused to sit in the same cocoon. He started his business on a small scale until now widespread. He has a proactive attitude to succeed by doing various activities to start a business.
        He began his business by introducing and selling to friends in the office. Then, he opened the stall on a small scale at farmers' markets every week. He took a proactive stance to try to do business in places where others to develop his business. He plans to open a store with a loan from the bank but all his papers were not accepted even be insulted.
       However Dato Aliff Shukri never gave up. He took a proactive and responsible attitude to contact his loyal customers and enumerates who has in his paper to make a brand. With a description of the most exciting and reliable, he managed to attract customers and they lend their money as an investment. From there, he successfully developed the business by incorporating the proceeds from his business in the Central Market. Now is the result of his proactive attitude, D'Herbs have been known not only in Malaysia but in Singapore and Brunei.


           Team oriented refers to employees who work in a group that often work and perform their duties to work together to achieve team goals. A team consisting of a combination of a number of individuals who have competence interdependent. This can be seen in terms of capacity, expertise, skills and knowledge as well as accountability and commitment to the team's performance and willing to carry out tasks jointly. Through team oriented, an organization can improve work performance and quality of the work can be improved. Team oriented is an essential element for a person is said to be an entrepreneur. Through these elements, an entrepreneur can show an attitude work with others, are able to give their cooperation and commitment in performing tasks to achieve goals collectively.
            For example, Dato 'Kamarudin bin Meranun is one of the biggest names in business and entrepreneurship in Malaysia but internationally. Previously we only knew when Datuk Seri Anthony Fernandes attributed to the success of Air Asia. A big star who stood firmly behind the phenomenal success of Air Asia is Dato 'Kamarudin bin Meranun. He is particularly interested in entrepreneurship. He ensures a constant effort to achieve what he wished. A feature available to him that makes him unusual is teamwork. This can be seen, the key to the success of Air Asia is the team spirit between Datuk Seri Anthony Fernandes and him, they complement each other to form Air Asia. Is this spirit that makes Air America, a company known globally. His cooperation and Air Asia staff who share an understanding of the principles of branding cheap and appreciated also among the causes of success.